
Healthcare Careers

The Highest Paid MD Specialties

In general, physicians report that they are earning less and worrying more than they have in the past.

What is it Like to Work in the ICU?

Working as an intensive care or critical care nurse requires expert technical skill and an innate ability to deal with stress during a crisis.

Evolving Healthcare Jobs

Some healthcare professionals choose to start their careers at an entry level and then climb up the echelon of potential nursing positions. Others make a decision about their final career destination right from the start. Some people begin their career as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and then

General Practitioners

A general practitioner treats illnesses and provides preventive care to patients of all ages.


Gynecologists specialize in the female reproductive system.

Healthcare Assistants

Healthcare assistants help patients with ongoing medical conditions by assisting them with their daily affairs.

Healthcare Career Information

See salary information by healthcare profession, including a 6-year projection so you can see what you could be earning in 2018.

Healthcare Secretaries

Healthcare secretaries provide administrative support to medical staff.

Health Industry Jobs that Do Not Require a College Degree

There are a variety of important and essential health industry jobs, which do not require a college degree but lead to rewarding careers.

Health Information Technicians

Health information technicians organize medical data for hospitals.

Health Specialties Lecturers

The median salary for Health Specialties Lecturers is $85,300, and there are approximately 144,780 individuals nationally employed as health specialties lecturers.

Health Technicians

Health technician is a broad term for a general medical specialist.