
Raquette Lake Camp

392 Antlers Road PO Box 250
Raquette Lake, NY (US) 13436
(315) 354-4382

Another wonderful tradition as old as the camp itself, is our camp brother and camp sister program. Each summer, every boy at the boy’s camp will be matched up with a camp brother, and every girl at the girl’s camp will be matched up with a camp sister. Younger campers, at both camps are paired with older campers. This connects our campers and expands their camp family providing them another person to look up to, and be there to talk to. Camp brothers and camp sisters is a surprise ceremony during the first week of camp, which usually takes place at the flagpole of each camp just before dinner. Camp brothers and camp sisters will then sit together for dinner followed by a special evening activity together. Camp brother and camp sister dinners will be scheduled once a week for the remainder of the summer with a special evening activity. Although each year every camper will be given a different camp brother or camp sister their bond carries on for their entire camp experience!

Jobs From Raquette Lake Camp

Job Posting Location Date Posted
Looking for a Summer Job or a Paid Internship Raquette Lake, NY 2024-07-23